EU-China relations

Closed-door event

Urgency, speed and scale: Dealing with China under the new Commission


Aug 2024


Alicia Garcia Herrero

Maria Martin-Prat

Dominic Porter

Abigaël Vasselier

Claudia Wessling

Jeromin Zettelmeyer

Urgency, speed and scale: Dealing with China under the new Commission

At this roundtable discussion organised by Bruegel and MERICS and hosted at Bruegel’s premises, the audience was presented with a draft policy brief produced jointly by Bruegel and Merics on how the incoming European Commission should deal with China and exchange views about the topic with participants.

Some key questions from the discussion:

  • What are the EU’s objectives in dealing with China?
  • Can China adjust its policies vis-à-vis Europe so that the EU can fulfil its objectives?
  • How do the US elections change the equation?
  • What should be the top 3 European priorities in dealing with China given the above constraints?

About the speakers

Alicia Garcia Herrero

Chief Economist for Asia Pacific at Natixis, Senior Fellow at Bruegel, Non-resident Senior Follow at the East Asian Institute, Adjunct Professor at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Economist specialized in monetary and financial issues in emerging markets, banking crises and resolution strategies, financial development

Maria Martin-Prat

Deputy Director-General, DG Trade, European Commission

Dominic Porter

Head of Division, China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and Mongolia, European External Action Service

Abigaël Vasselier

Director Research China's Foreign Relations (MERICS)

EU-China; Geopolitics; China´s foreign and security policy

Claudia Wessling

Director Communications and Publications at Mercator Institute for China Studies (MERICS)

Sino-German relations; Digitalization and tech development in China; China's Belt & Road Initiative

Jeromin Zettelmeyer

Director of Bruegel