Chinese party-state politics


published: 13.03.2023

The 20th Party Congress

In this episode of the podcast, Kasper Ingeman Beck, postdoctoral researcher at Copenhagen Business school, interviews Kjeld Erik Brødsgaard, professor of China studies at Copenhagen Business School and renowned expert of Chinese politics. They discuss the new appointments and policy directions coming out of the 20th Party congress of the Chinese Communist Party, which was held in Beijing from October 16th to October 22nd 2022.

A Policy Brief on this topic was published by CBS and is available on the China Horizons webpage.


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About the speakers

Kjeld Erik Brødsgaard

Professor at Copenhagen Business School

Political scientist specializing in China’s political economy and the organizational evolution of CCP-led governance

Kasper Ingeman Beck

Postdoc at Copenhagen Business School

Political Scientist specializing in Chinese political economy; in particular state-owned enterprises and state-market relations