Chinese party-state politics

Policy brief

published: 3.03.2023

The 20th Congress of the CCP: Personnel Appointments and Policy Directions

Kjeld Erik Brødsgaard

Kasper Ingeman Beck

From 16 to 22 October 2022, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) held its 20th Congress in Beijing. This policy brief reviews the new personnel appointments in the upper echelons of the CCP and analyzes their implications for China's political system and key policy initiatives. Additionally, this brief examines Xi Jinping's report presented at the Congress.

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About authors

Kjeld Erik Brødsgaard

Professor at Copenhagen Business School

Political scientist specializing in China’s political economy and the organizational evolution of CCP-led governance

Kasper Ingeman Beck

Postdoc at Copenhagen Business School

Political Scientist specializing in Chinese political economy; in particular state-owned enterprises and state-market relations