Chinese regional and global strategies


published: 26.09.2023

2024 Taïwan elections

Jean-François Di Meglio, Chairman of Asia Centre based in Paris, and Jean-Pierre Cabestan, Associate Researcher at Asia Centre and at the Centre d’Études Français on the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China as well as a Research Director at the CNRS attached to the French Research Institute for East Asia (IFRAE) at INALCO, debate about the Taïwan’s pre elections campaign throughout the following subjects.

  • Part 1: Perspectives for the 2024 TW elections
  • Part 2: Taïwan, a significant regional issue, what does China want?
  • Part 3: It’s the economy, stupid
  • Part 4: Europe-Taïwan, the big splits?

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About the speakers

Jean-François Di Meglio

President, co-founder and contributor of Asia Center, Associate Professor at Sciences Po Paris, Ecole Doctorale Professor at Paris School of International Affairs (PSIA), Associate Professor at Université Paris Dauphine - PSL

Specialist in international and asian finance and banking sector

Jean-Pierre Cabestan

Senior Researcher at Asia Centre, Emeritus Senior Researcher at French National Centre for Scientific Research, Emeritus Professor at Hong Kong Baptist University

Political Scientist and jurist specialised in contemporary China and contemporary Taiwan