
Party-State Politics


Work Package 3 will develop robust and comprehensive knowledge on the areas of Chinese politics undergoing significant changes under Xi Jinping. These include the Communist Party’s organisation and its relationship with the state and the judiciary; Central-local governments relations; the revival of Marxism-Leninism as the state ideology; Party-business relations; Chinese society’s support of the political regime and Nationalism.

The WP3 analytical framework will explain China’s political system and its ambitions, and predict its direction of development, with the objective to disseminate research-based knowledge on Chinese politics to the EU’s policy community and citizens.

Work package 3 leader

Kjeld Erik Brødsgaard

Kjeld Erik Brødsgaard

Professor at Copenhagen Business School

Political scientist specializing in China’s political economy and the organizational evolution of CCP-led governanceHis research focuses on Chinese politics, the Chinese political system, the Chinese Communist Party, nomenklatura and cadre management, SOEs and Party-business relations, and elite circulation Party-state-business.

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Work package 3 members

Kasper Ingeman Beck

Kasper Ingeman Beck

Postdoc at Copenhagen Business School.

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Jean-Pierre Cabestan

Jean-Pierre Cabestan

Emeritus Senior Researcher at French National Centre for Scientific Research, Emeritus Professor at Hong Kong Baptist University.

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Nis Grünberg

Nis Grünberg

Lead Analyst at Mercator Institute for China Studies (MERICS).

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Jean-François Di Meglio

Jean-François Di Meglio

President, co-founder and contributor of Asia Center, Associate Professor at Sciences Po Paris, Ecole Doctorale Professor at Paris School of International Affairs (PSIA), Associate Professor at Université Paris Dauphine - PSL.

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Jean-Baptiste Monnier

Jean-Baptiste Monnier

Vice-President and CFO at Asia Centre.

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