Not All Happy: Voices of Social Critique in Contemporary Chinese Culture
Marcin Jacoby
Anna Gryszkiewicz
Piotr Machajek
František Reismüller
This policy brief provides topic mapping of works of social interest by Chinese writers and artists in the period 2012-2024, with a focus on most recent productions and publications.
Three main topic clusters are identified. The document also includes a discussion on how writers and artists work with the censorship system and what ways they find to voice social critique. The Policy Brief is accompanied by Research Notes entitled "Mapping the Social Discourse in Chinese Art and Literature of the Xi Jinping Era" which include names and titles of all works relative the discussion, also in Chinese characters and the pinyin transcription.
About authors
Marcin Jacoby
Associate Professor at SWPS University, Head of the Asian Civilisation Research Center
Sinologist, translator, cultural manager
Anna Gryszkiewicz
Researcher at SWPS University
Theatrologist, sinologist, specialising in cross-disciplinary studies in performing arts and high technology
Piotr Machajek
PhD candidate at SWPS University
Sinologist, translator, and literature scholar, specializing in contemporary Chinese literature
František Reismüller
Researcher at SWPS University
Sinologist, translator, specializing in modern Chinese and Taiwanese culture