Chinese party-state politics


published: 10.07.2024

Chinese politics under Xi Jinping

In light of professor Akio Takahara’s recent visit to Copenhagen Business School, professor Kjeld Erik Brødsgaard invites him to delve deeper into keypoints made in an earlier lecture. Akio explains his distinction between “vertical” and “horizontal” linkage axes in Chinese politics, and the two discuss the possible future of the Party’s leadership considering Xi’s suppression of rivals and appointment of allies.

Listen to the podcast to learn:

  • What can we deduce from the constitution of Xi’s inner circle?
  • How does Xi stand out from previous leaders of the CCP?
  • What does his patterns of involvment in political and military matters mean?

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About the speakers

Kjeld Erik Brødsgaard

Professor at Copenhagen Business School

Political scientist specializing in China’s political economy and the organizational evolution of CCP-led governance

Akio Takahara

former professor and dean at University of Tokyo, former director of the research institute of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), and currently a distinguished visitng professor at Tokyo’s Christian Women University