Chinese economy


published: 20.03.2024

Key takeaways from China’s Two Sessions

Yuyun Zhan

Alicia Garcia Herrero

Zichen Wang

In this Bruegel podcast, Yuyun Zhan sits down with Alicia García-Herrero and Zichen Wang to talk about China’s Two Sessions, the Chinese government's annual plenary sessions of the National People's Congress (NPC) and of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), held from 4–11 March 2024. They discuss the growth targets which were given during the sessions and what they might mean for the Chinese economy.


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About the speakers

Yuyun Zhan

Press and communications officer at Bruegel

Alicia Garcia Herrero

Chief Economist for Asia Pacific at Natixis, Senior Fellow at Bruegel, Non-resident Senior Follow at the East Asian Institute, Adjunct Professor at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Economist specialized in monetary and financial issues in emerging markets, banking crises and resolution strategies, financial development

Zichen Wang

Research Fellow and Director for International Communications, Center for China and Globalization, Bruegel