Chinese society and culture


published: 18.10.2023

Rural migrant children in the Chinese public sphere

The podcast looks at the problem of educating the children of rural migrants in China, which has become a national cause in the last two decades. It shows the role of the idea of social progress, and the importance of the psychological repertoire in providing a common language to defend the cause of these children. However, this strategy of mobilisation has led to the stigmatisation of part of the population as "retarded" and suffering from mental problems.

The aim is to familiarise the public with social issues in China and to ground criticism in broader sociological analyses. Contrary to conventional wisdom, issues of social justice can be brought to the fore in the Chinese public sphere. This type of mobilisation is open to criticism, but this is also the case elsewhere, and comparisons with the situation in France are suggested.


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About the speakers

Jean-Louis Rocca

Professor at Sciences Po, Senior Researcher at Centre for International Studies (CERI), Sciences Po

Sociologist and Political scientist, contemporary Chinese society

Camille Salgues

Contract Researcher at Centre for International Studies (CERI), Sciences Po

Sociologist and anthropologist, specializing in children in China, translator

Miriam Perier

Sciences Po Paris