Chinese society and culture


published: 16.10.2023

Chinese society in cultural productions of the Xi Jinping era: key issues and recurring themes

In this podcast, Marcin, Anna and František from SWPS University discuss the current state of theatre, film, literature and visual arts in China after the lifting of COVID-19 restrictions.

They talk about recurrent themes in cultural productions, and touch upon such topics as censorship and freedom of artistic expression, international cooperation, innovations, and cooperation with the hi-tech sector.


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About the speakers

Anna Gryszkiewicz

Researcher at SWPS University

Theatrologist, sinologist, specialising in cross-disciplinary studies in performing arts and high technology

Marcin Jacoby

Associate Professor at SWPS University, Head of the Asian Civilisation Research Center

Sinologist, translator, cultural manager

Piotr Machajek

PhD candidate at SWPS University

Sinologist, translator, and literature scholar, specializing in contemporary Chinese literature

František Reismüller

Researcher at SWPS University

Sinologist, translator, specializing in modern Chinese and Taiwanese culture