EU-China relations

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published: 25.01.2024

MERICS EU-China Opinion Pool: EU-China relations in 2024

Rebecca Arcesati

EU-China relations will revolve around the critical issues of technology, trade, and geopolitical alignment in 2024. The EU is grappling with the strategic implications of technology competition and China's expansive global ambitions, heightening its focus on technological interdependence, national security, and a coherent China policy across member states. Meanwhile, as China seeks to reengage with Europe amid geopolitical tensions and economic uncertainties, Europe must address trade imbalances and security concerns, particularly regarding Russia's war on Ukraine.

In this round of MERICS’ EU-China Opinion Pool, MERICS Analyst Claus Soong asked several experts: What key issues will define EU-China relations in 2024?


About the speakers

Rebecca Arcesati

Lead Analyst at MERICS