Chinese economy


The Political Factor in China’s Economic Strategy Towards the EU


Jun 2024

Warsaw | online

The Political Factor in China’s Economic Strategy Towards the EU
pixabay | dendoktoor

In recent years, political decisions have increasingly influenced the manufacturing sector and international trade in both China and the European Union. China has implemented risk-management strategies, regulatory measures, and security policies, while the EU has adopted screening and de-risking strategies. These changes have generated tension between the two partners. However, maintaining high levels of economic and technological cooperation remains crucial for both of them.

In this event, hosted by SWPS, the panel of experts will delve into the specific policies introduced by China and the EU over the past three years and examine their impact on European companies operating in China. Drawing on the latest research from the China Horizons (DWARC) and ReConnect China research consortia, as well as the report "Riskful Thinking: Navigating the Politics of Economic Security" recently published by the European Chamber in China and the China Macro Group, the panel will address critical questions:

  • Will politicians further weaponize the economy?
  • Will companies struggle to thrive in this environment?
  • Can European businesses maintain competitiveness in the Chinese market?
  • Join Europe’s leading China experts and business practitioners for an insightful discussion.


The event will be held in English and in a hybrid format, allowing attendees to participate either in-person or online.


About the speakers

Jean-Pierre Cabestan

Senior Researcher at Asia Centre, Emeritus Senior Researcher at French National Centre for Scientific Research, Emeritus Professor at Hong Kong Baptist University

Political Scientist and jurist specialised in contemporary China and contemporary Taiwan

Alicia Garcia Herrero

Chief Economist for Asia Pacific at Natixis, Senior Fellow at Bruegel, Non-resident Senior Follow at the East Asian Institute, Adjunct Professor at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Economist specialized in monetary and financial issues in emerging markets, banking crises and resolution strategies, financial development

Jens Eskelund

Managing Director, Maersk China Ltd and Member, DWARC External Experts Advisory Board

Françoise Nicolas

Senior Advisor to the Center for Asian Studies at the French Institute of International Relations

Marcin Jacoby

Associate Professor at SWPS University, Head of the Asian Civilisation Research Center

Sinologist, translator, cultural manager